Survivor China
Reward Challenge
The Bucket Stops Here

"Two captains are randomly chosen, who start a selection chain, continuing until there are two teams of four, and one player left out. This player sits out, and they will not go on the reward. Then, one tribe member sits in a small boat in the middle of what is essentially a pool, while the three remaining members of the other team stand on a pontoon and use buckets to throw water at the boat to try and make it sink. The player in the boat can bail water out and move around with their hands. Sink the other team’s boat first to score a point. In each round, someone different must sit in the boat. First to two wins." ~ @SurvivorWiki

Jaime, Aaron, Chicken, and Peih-Gee win reward!

They win a Chinese feast and clue to the idol.

Proceed to the immunity challenge.