Survivor Heroes vs. Villains
Episode 1
Heroes Tribe
Amanda JohnstonAndrea CavaleriLauren LavoieNicole FosterSarah Wells
Shahla KaraSimi FagbongbeSukhi AtwalTenille DorringtonZainab Ansari

Villains Tribe
Amy De DomenicoJackie SkinnerJulie TaylorLaura TakahashiLeanne Larsen
Mellisa HollingsworthNatalie SpoonerSusan HayreTreena LeyYvette Yakibonge

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Alliances | Relationships | Profiles

Reasoning: Off | Logic: Included


1. Change Relationships Each Episode.
2. Let the Simulator Decide All. (set)

-With option 1, simulation stops for you to make the choices.
-You must click 'proceed' each week to continue the simulation.

Proceed to the alliances.