Survivor All-Stars
Episode 1
Chapera Tribe
Amy GasslerDave LeducJackie Skinner
Matt GiuntaSimi FagbongbeTaylor Callens

Mogo Mogo Tribe
Alain ChanoineCormac FosterElias Theodorou
Jillian MacLaughlinRita YakibongeTanya Muzzatti

Saboga Tribe
Brian BoydJamie CumberlandJet Black
Julie TaylorLaura TakahashiNicole Foster

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Alliances | Relationships | Profiles

Reasoning: Off | Logic: Included


1. Change Relationships Each Episode.
2. Let the Simulator Decide All. (set)

-With option 1, simulation stops for you to make the choices.
-You must click 'proceed' each week to continue the simulation.

Proceed to the alliances.